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I was intrigued by the success of a protocol for incontinence. A condition that many woman suffer from and sometimes can be life altering. I've worked with a group of woman applying a protocol and the results were amazing. They noticed significant improvement in their condition and were extremely happy with their results.
Fortunately, acupuncture and Oriental medicine can address bladder health and eliminate or reduce the symptoms of incontinence. The July 2005 edition of Obstetrics and Gynecology detailed a study called “Acupuncture for overactive bladder: a randomized controlled trial.” Out of the 85 women initially enrolled, 74 completed the four weekly sessions. The researchers concluded that women who received four weekly bladder-specific acupuncture treatments had significant improvements in bladder capacity, urinary urgency and frequency, and quality of life as compared with women who received the placebo acupuncture treatments.
Here is some information on incontinence.
Incontinence and urinary tract disorders commonly arise as we age, especially for women over 50. One of the reasons for incontinence is because the bladder lining starts losing elasticity which, in turn, reduces its ability to hold urine. This can result in frequent and urgent bouts of urination. If this occurs at night it is called nocturia.
In some cases, coughing, sneezing or pressure on the abdomen may cause an involuntary voiding of urine, known as leakage. Those suffering from incontinence also endure a greater risk for repeated urinary tract infections (UTI).
UTI occurs when bacteria enters the urinary system through the kidneys, urethra, ureters and/or the bladder. Although signs and symptoms vary according to the location of the bacteria, some common signs include the urge to urinate, burning on urination, and cloudy urine. These conditions not only signal a disorder of the urinary tract system, but may lead to social isolation and/or loss of self esteem.
To maintain bladder health, increase water consumption and avoid irritants such as coffee, orange juice and most soft drinks, which can stimulate the bladder. Kegel, or pelvic floor exercises, can tonify the muscles used in urination.
After giving birth to three children and transitioning through menopause I began to experience some urinary incontinence.
Cheryl mentioned a treatment in a series of four sessions to improve the condition. Willingly, I tried the treatments hoping for any improvement to the periodic incontinence I was experiencing.
After the 1st visit, I could feel my bladder had lifted into a normal position. Until this appointment, I had not realized it had dropped. As the days passed I noticed an improvement and reduction of leakage. I continued for three more visits over the two week period of time. After each appointment I noticed having more control when sneezing, coughing and lifting heavy objects. As the weeks passed after the sessions I continue to feel more tone, control and confidence that the issue is resolving. I highly recommend acupuncture if you are experiencing incontinence. I am delighted to experience great improvement and gained confidence that this issue can be resolved with acupuncture.
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