Herbal ABX ™
* All types of infection, with or without fever, inflammation, redness and swelling
* All excess conditions, with fire, heat, damp-heat, or toxic heat
* Conditions with red tongue, yellow or greasy yellow tongue coating or forceful, rapid pulse
* This combination is used as an adjunct formula to clear heat
* Broad spectrum antibiotic functions
* Antibacterial effects
* Antiviral effects
* Antifungal effects
Take 3 to 4 capsules three times daily on an empty stomach, with warm water. Dosage may be increased to 6 to 8 capsules three times daily, if necessary. The herbs should be taken with meals for those with a sensitive stomach.
Cha Chi Huang (Herba Stellariae Aquaticae)
Da Qing Ye (Folium Isatidis)
Feng Wei Cao (Herba Pteris)
Hu Yao Huang (Herba Leucas Mollissimae)
Huang Lian (Rhizoma Coptidis)
Liu Zhi Huang (Herba Solidaginis)
Pao Zai Cao (Herba Physalis Angulatae)
Pu Gong Ying (Herba Taraxaci)
Shu Wei Huang (Herba Rostellulariae)
Xian Feng Cao (Herba Bidentis)
Ya She Huang (Herba Lippiae)
A healthy person has numerous defense mechanisms that protect against the invasion of micro-organisms. These host defense mechanisms include natural barriers (i.e., skin), non-specific immunity (i.e., phagocytic cells) and specific immunity (i.e., antibodies). However, if the host defenses are defective or becomes disrupted, the micro-organisms may enter and affect various parts of the body. Therefore, optimal treatment of infective disorders requires use of treatment agents to kill the micro-organisms and preventative agents that restore the host defense mechanisms.
Herbal ABX has a broad spectrum of antibiotic effect, and is used to treat respiratory tract infections, gastrointestinal infections, hepatic disorders, reproductive system infections, sexually-transmitted diseases, urinary tract infections, and other infectious disease.
Hepatic disorders: Huang Lian (Rhizoma Coptidis), Da Qing Ye (Folium Isatidis), Pu Gong Ying (Herba Taraxaci), Hu Yao Huang (Herba Leucas Mollissimae), Cha Chi Huang (Herba Stellariae Aquaticae), Xian Feng Cao (Herba Bidentis), and Liu Zhi Huang (Herba Solidaginis) enter the Liver channel to treat Liver fire. Manifestations of Liver fire include hepatitis, cholecystitis, jaundice, erysipelas, herpes zoster, fibrocystic breast disorder, migraine, acid reflux, conjunctivitis, bitter taste in the mouth, tinnitus, irritability, and hypochondriac pain.
Reproductive system infections: Pao Zai Cao (Herba Physalis Angulatae), Ya She Huang (Herba Lippiae), Cha Chi Huang (Herba Stellariae Aquaticae), Hu Yao Huang (Herba Leucas Mollissimae), and Feng Wei Cao (Herba Pteris) treat inflammation or infections of the reproductive organs. In women, symptoms include vaginitis, foul-smelling yellow or white leukorrhea, inflammation of the pelvis, ovaries, uterus, fallopian tubes, inflammation or infection following abortion or delivery, lower abdominal pain, genital itching, cervicitis, hypermenorrhea, yeast infections, prolapse of the uterus with inflammation and infection. In men, disorders include prostatitis, genital itching, and orchitis.
Urinary tract infections (UTI): Huang Lian (Rhizoma Coptidis), Ya She Huang (Herba Lippiae), Shu Wei Huang (Herba Rostellulariae), Pao Zai Cao (Herba Physalis Angulatae), Hu Yao Huang (Herba Leucas Mollissimae), Xian Feng Cao (Herba Bidentis), and Cha Chi Huang (Herba Stellariae Aquaticae) treat infection of the urinary system manifesting in dysuria and frequent urges to urinate. In such cases, the urine is mostly yellow and turbid. Disorders include nephritis, cystitis, UTI and kidney stones.
Other: This formula is effective for treatment of Lyme disease, cellulitis, sores, carbuncles, hypertension, environmental poisoning, pericarditis, arteritis, gout, paronychia, phlebitis, toxic insect bites, hordeolum, keratitis, trachomata, ear infection, perichondritis, aural eczematoid dermatitis, conjunctivitis and external otitis.
In summary, Herbal ABX consists of a wide array of herbs with marked antibiotic properties, beneficial for the treatment of various infections.
* This formula is contraindicated in cases of deficiency and coldness. It should be used with caution for those who have weak digestive systems.
* This formula is contraindicated during pregnancy and nursing.
* Because antibiotic therapy may decrease the absorption of birth control pills by interfering with the normal flora in the intestines, women should use additional prophylactics if they are on antibiotic therapy and birth control pills concurrently.
* Herbal ABX incorporates numerous antibiotic herbs for two important reasons. First, the use of multiple herbs within an herbal formula has been shown to increase the antibiotic effect more than ten-fold. Second, isolated use of single ingredients is often ineffective and increases the risk of development of bacterial and viral resistance.[1] Given these two reasons, it is necessary to combine herbs with appropriate properties to ensure effectiveness in treating the infection and minimizing the potential risk of the micro-organisms developing resistance and/or mutation.
* For viral infections, add Herbal AVR.
* For infection of the ear, nose, and throat, add Herbal ENT.
* For common cold or influenza with sore throat, combine with Lonicera Complex.
* For sinus infections, use with Magnolia Clear Sinus or Pueraria Clear Sinus.
* For respiratory tract infections, add Respitrol (Heat) or Respitrol (Cold).
* For cough, add Respitrol (CF).
* For inflammation and swelling, add Resolve (AI) or Astringent Complex
* For yellow phlegm due to respiratory tract infections, use with Pinellia XPT.
* For damp and phlegm accumulation, add Pinellia Complex.
* For genital infections, use with Gentiana Complex or V-Support.
* For gastric or duodenal ulcers with H. pylori infection, use with GI Care .
* For hepatitis, add Liver DTX.
* For chronic nephritis or nephritic syndrome, add Kidney DTX.
* For kidney or bladder stones, use with Dissolve (KS).
* For shingles, use with Dermatrol (HZ).
* For dermatological disorders that appear wet, add Dermatrol (Damp).
* For dermatological disorders that appear dry, add Dermatrol (Dry).
* For chemical or heavy metal poisoning, add Herbal DTX.
* For gallstones, combine with Dissolve (GS).
* For infection from external injuries or surgeries, use with Flex (TMX).
* For unknown condition with blood stagnation, add Circulation (SJ).
* For bleeding, use Notoginseng 9.
* For high blood pressure and fast heart rate due to excess fire, add Gardenia Complex.
* Avoid spicy, fried or greasy foods.
* Be sure to include foods and beverages that are cool or cold in nature. Among these are watermelon, lotus nodes, melon, seaweed, cranberries, celery, cucumber, cactus and winter melon.
* Drink plenty of water and urinate often.
* Increase supplementation with Vitamin C and B complex.
* Increase intake of nourishing, cooling foods/roots such as Mexican yam, yam, radishes, potatoes, carrots, melons, cucumbers, beets, turnips, malanga, celeriac, taro, and rutabaga.
* Avoid spicy/pungent/aromatic vegetables such as pepper, garlic, onions, basil, rosemary, cumin, funnel, anise, leeks, chives, scallions, thyme, saffron, wormwood, mustard, chili pepper, and wasabi.
The Tao of Nutrition by Dr. Maoshing Ni and Cathy McNease:
* Yeast infection/candidiasis: eat a steamed artichoke daily for two weeks.
* Vaginal infection: boil a bulb of garlic, cool to lukewarm, then douche with the liquid.
* Bladder infection: drink one cup cranberry juice, unsweetened and diluted, along with 1,000 mg vitamin C every three to four hours a day. Drink an additional 5 to 6 cups of water daily.
* Chronic bladder infection:
Drink watermelon and pear juice three times daily.
Drink carrot and celery juice three times daily.
Eat squash soup for at least seven days.
Eat steamed lotus root and water chestnuts twice daily.
Drink blended mung bean juice.
Drink tea made from wheat and pearl barley.
* Chronic sinus infection:
Make tea from magnolia flower, basil, ginger, and green onion. Drink three times daily for at least one week.
Combine magnolia flowers and eggs, cook and eat.
Make tea from mulberry leaves and chrysanthemums, then cook rice porridge in the tea, adding apricot kernels.
Boil tea of mint, basil, and ginger. While boiling the tea, inhale the steam through the nose, three times daily for at least two months.
* Sleep by 10:00 p.m. In TCM, 11:00 p.m. to 1:00 a.m. is when the yin shifts to yang. It is crucial for the body to be at rest during this time for optimal health. There is no better way to restore or enhance the immune system other than resting and sleeping before 10:00 p.m.
* Afternoon naps for about 30 minutes are also recommended.