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Did you know...
The brain is made of 80% water
The body is made of 75 % water
The bones are made of 25% water
Many of us go about our everyday life in a stage of dehydration and this will encorage the aging process in all of us.
Signs of dehydration are stiff muscles, memory loss, headaches, low back pain, knee pain...
Recommended daily
7yrs and under 4-8oz glasses a day
8yrs and older 10-12 glasses a day for optimal health.
Now I will say as we age the yin in the body starts to dry and at a deeper level of dehydration you might want to increase you healthy fats like coconut, olive and avocado oil to nourish up your well being deep inside.
So drink up for improved mental and physical coordination, better memory and concentration, uplift in energy, regular stools, shinier skin and hair. The liver will like the hydration as it will be able to metabolize the stored fat. There is a loss in hunger almost over night.
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